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Acid Reflux 9 Key Tips To Victory

5 Key Tips

5 Key - Long-Term Acid Reflux Tips

1. Does Dairy cause Acid Reflux (YES, it can be a trigger) Try foods high in antioxidants like: *Berries (such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries) *Cherries *Apples *Artichokes *Avocados *Sweet potatoes *Broccoli *Dark green leafy vegetables (such as kale, spinach, and collard greens)

2. Acid Reflux Diet - Try to reduce your weight: - Easier said than done I know, but it helps. (diet, light exercise) In my opinion, it's more motivation than anything and trust me I'm right there with you. Losing weight is not easy but the end result of reducing the Acid Reflux symptoms are worth it.

3. Can lack of sleep cause acid reflux?

Get as many of the recommended hours of sleep as possible. Give your body as much time to relax, destress, and break down any food left in the stomach.

4. Should you eat right before bed?

Stop eating and drinking two hours before you lay down for bed. This will help keep the esophageal sphincter closed while your body works on digesting your food. A dysfunctional esophageal sphincter will allow acid to pass back into the esophagus as you sleep.

5. Does raising the head of the bed help with Acid Reflux?

For quick relief, try raising the head of your bed 2 to 4 inches to keep the acid from moving back up into the esophagus. Keep in mind, just propping your head up higher with an extra pillow will not help. The entire top half of your body must be elevated at an upward angle (slight incline). Studies show that a Wedge Pillow can help or you can take it to the next level with a Full Body Wedge Topper. (Using this is what helped me)

Click Here to get your FREE Guide Book with additional tips.

"Disclaimers: "Through in-depth research and reading countless reviews on these products here are my recommendations. Please note: all opinions on this site either through research or experience are my own. Links on this website may be affiliate links in which I may receive a minimal commission for. That also provides an opportunity for you to help support this website at no extra cost to you.” Please remember to consult your family Doctor or the proper physician BEFORE making any type of diet, medication, or lifestyle changes.